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Details of MH CPD and FPS CPD

MH CPD and FPS CPD activities allow you to extend your skills in mental health in your areas of interest. The GPMHSC strongly encourages all GPs to complete mental health-related CPD.

The GPMHSC strongly encourages all GPs to complete mental health-related CPD.

The GPMHSC recommends two types of CPD activities:

•    MH CPD
•    FPS CPD.


MH CPD activities aim to extend skills in assessing or managing mental illnesses in the context of general practice.

Because MH CPD builds on the areas addressed in MHST, we encourage GPs to complete a variety of MH CPD activities as part of ongoing professional development, even though it is not mandatory.

Completing clinical enhancement modules (CEM) and CPD is a good way of keeping mental health skills and knowledge up to date and ensuring that GPs have a broad knowledge across several different areas.


We strongly recommend that you complete modules that address areas such as suicide prevention, family violence, AOD, and other areas that are relevant to the community in which you practice.


FPS CPD builds on the skills GPs acquired in FPS ST, and extends skills in providing FPS as part of treatment under a GPMHTP plan.

Note: eligible FPS are currently defined as the evidence-based forms of treatment recognised for use through the Better Access initiative – See page 19. 

Retaining registration as an FPS provider

If a GP is registered as an FPS provider, they are required to complete at least one FPS CPD activity each triennium to retain registration and use of the relevant MBS item numbers.

This should be equate to a minimum of six hours for the triennium (RACGP: One Category 1 activity or two three-hour Category 2 activities; ACRRM: equivalent).

GPs can attend courses conducted by training providers or design their own CPD activity. If GPs design a CPD activity, accreditation by the GPMHSC is required. Contact the GPMHSC to find out what is required to have the CPD activity accredited.

Re-registering as a GP FPS provider if registration expires

If FPS registration expired in the previous triennium, GPs can apply for re-registration. To do so, GPs will be required to complete two FPS CPD activities during the current triennium.

If the registration expired before the previous triennium, contact the GPMHSC Secretariat to discuss the individual situation. Based on certain circumstances, the GPMHSC Secretariat, in consultation with the committee, will make a decision about what the GP needs to do to be re-accredited.

Recommended types of CPS activities

