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Videos and resources

Suicide risk assessment – this video shows a consultation between a GP and a patient where suicide risk is identified. It was developed by the Black Dog Institute as part of their Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention, which is accredited with the GPMHSC as Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH CPD). Access more information about this training here.

This video was developed by the Black Dog Institute as part of their Advanced Training in Suicide Prevention, which is accredited with the GPMHSC as Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH CPD). Access more information about this training here


Further reading and resources

The Analogy Bank – An analogy resource for mental health clinicians

Department of Health – Principles of recovery oriented mental health practice

Government of Western Australia, Office of Mental Health – Psychiatric rehabilitation policy and strategic framework

Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) – Recovery oriented language

mindhealthconnect – Do’s and don’ts of discussing mental health issues

SANE Australia – Reducing stigma

SANE Australia – Personal stories

Women’s Web – Mental health analogies


Suicide prevention and first aid a resource for GPs