- Disclaimer
- Recommended citation
- Acknowledgements
- What is this resource?
- Suicide statistics
- Suicide risk factors
- Suicide bereavement
- Supporting the bereaved
- Summary
- After suicide - resource tool kit
After suicide

Every day, almost eight people in Australia die by suicide.
For each of those people, the impact on those around them, including clinicians, may be profound and prolonged.
Being bereaved by suicide has been described as ‘grief with the volume turned up’.
After suicide: A resource for GPs is designed to help general practitioners (GPs) respond to suicide in their communities – particularly those in Australia’s rural and remote regions. It contains useful information, links and resources to add to your tool kit to help bereaved patients, your community and yourself.
It is not a replacement for comprehensive mental health training, nor is it a clinical practice guide.
Provided under licence
This resource is provided under licence by the RACGP. Full terms are available on the licence terms page. In summary, you must not edit or adapt it or use it for any commercial purposes. You must also acknowledge the RACGP as the owner.