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Save the date – brand new FPS ST by Larter

Psychological factors are the most common reason for patient presentations for 78% of female GPs and 64% of male GPs.  GPs also report a lack of access to mental health specialists in many areas and lack of systemic support.

Primary health education and consulting firm Larter will be offering online Focussed Psychological Strategies (mental health) training for GPs, now including narrative therapy training in 2024!  The course will enhance clinical skills and enable higher MBS rebate claims.

The course duration is 20 hours (8 hours of an online learning component and 12 hours of eLearning Zoom workshops). There will be four, three-hour sessions facilitated by a GP and a clinical psychologist. To register your interest and receive the registration link when available, email Holli at with the subject title ‘EOI FPS Training’.