Application submission requirements
As the GPMHSC Committee only comes together monthly, final applications for MHST and FPS ST courses must be submitted to the GPMHSC Secretariat by COB on the due date to ensure that the application is placed on the agenda for adjudication by the Committee at the meeting.
It is recommended that training providers submit their application two weeks before the meeting date. This allows time for the GPMHSC Secretariat to pre-adjudicate the application and request additional information before the final application is adjudicated by the Committee.
Late applications will be held over to the following meeting. If final training applications are incomplete or if the GPMHSC agenda is full, training applications may need to be held over until the next meeting. This decision is at the discretion of the GPMHSC Secretariat.
Important points for consideration
- All applications are treated as confidential by the GPMHSC Secretariat and Committee.
- All applications are adjudicated by the GPMHSC Committee during their meetings.
- No activity should be publicised by training providers as a GPMHSC accredited activity, unless written confirmation of accreditation by the GPMHSC has been received.
- Applications must have accreditation with the RACGP and/or ACRRM, prior to submission to the GPMHSC.
- The process for accreditation can be found at Part 4 of the Mental health standards: A guide for training providers, and must be completed along with supporting documents provided.
- The GPMHSC will not consider applications for accreditation of training that has been conducted, prior to the meeting date.
- All training providers will be advised of the adjudication outcome by the GPMHSC Secretariat within 2-5 business days following the meeting. Formal written correspondence will be provided up to 10 business days following the meeting.
- Adjudication of training activities does not automatically guarantee accreditation.
Meeting dates 2023
Committee meeting date | Draft training applications closing date | Final training applications closing date |
No meeting in January | ||
Saturday 18 February |
Saturday 21 January |
Saturday 4 February |
Wednesday 22 March |
Wednesday 22 February | Wednesday 8 March |
Wednesday 19 April |
Wednesday 22 March | Wednesday 5 April |
Wednesday 24 May |
Wednesday 19 April | Wednesday 10 May |
Saturday 24 June |
Saturday 27 May | Saturday 10 June |
No meeting in July | ||
Wednesday 23 August |
Wednesday 26 July | Wednesday 9 August |
Wednesday 20 September |
Wednesday 23 August | Wednesday 6 September |
Wednesday 11 October |
Wednesday 13 September | Wednesday 27 September |
Saturday 25 November |
Saturday 28 October | Saturday 11 November |
Wednesday 13 December |
Wednesday 15 November | Wednesday 29 November |
Committee meeting dates are subject to change
Draft application due date – The date that training providers are required to submit their initial (draft) application. The GPMHSC Secretariat will pre-adjudicate the application and if needed, request additional information.
Final application due date – The date that training providers are required to submit their final, completed application (14 days before the next GPMHSC Committee meeting). A completed application contains all required documents, including any information submitted to the GPMHSC Secretariat after the draft application date.